The #TechChannel of Delos Dispute Resolution acknowledges sArb!
“Lately, the adoption of technology has proven to be of great support for dispute resolution, from ensuring access to justice via remote hearings to spreading knowledge with the help of webinars. To help practitioners keep up-to-date with #LegalTech news that impact #InternationalArbitration, our Episode 2 is now live at
Many thanks to our contributors: Lise Alm, Mihaela Apostol, Federico Ast, Adrian Iordache, Shaheeza Lalani, Sophie Nappert, Mirèze PHILIPPE, Daniel Urbas, Gauthier Vannieuwenhuyse, and Hafez Virjee.
#ActivatingArbitration #DigitalArbitration #DigitalCourts #DigitalRights #RemoteHearings #BlockchainRegulation #SmartContracts”
(Source: LinkedIn.)
Click below for the full Newsletter: